The advocate's hand reaching Asia (1 John 2)
FARMs International is a rotating micro loans organization that gives out small interest free loans to Christian families to allow them to develop small businesses that will allow their family to be more sustainable.
Through this program the poor are given an opportunity to create a workable business plan, receive training in specific areas and learn the blessing of Christian stewardship. As each family grows their business they pay directly back into the community allowing their neighbors the same opportunity to follow by example.
The Phillips first began working with FARMs in 1998. In 2013, they also helped open up programs in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. This program has been extremely successful and to this day hundreds of families have been blessed by this program.
Currently, Caleb is employed part time by FARMs to serve as their Regional Coordinator of South East Asia. This is expanding their ministry into other countries such as Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh etc.